Matt Baida - Registered Landscape Architect, Private Practice
  1. Where are you at in your career? (no. of years’ experience)
    I completed my studies at the end of 2009, making it 6-7 years’ experience now.

  2. What motivated you to pursue a career in landscape architecture?
    Simply, I care about the planet. I love fishing, camping, bees and being outdoors so wanted to protect them. Also I wanted to positively impact the mining industry as a means to repent for my consumerism sins. I believe landscape architects can challenge the traditional thinking around mine site rehabilitation and move beyond the idea that the original landscape should be restored.

  3. What do you do in a standard day ‘in the office’?
    It can range from being a cad monkey, to speaking at conferences, to site visits and project management. Other days it can jump between sketching and trying to crack a design, to community consultation sessions, to chewing the fat with work mates solving the world’s issues. I have also been known at times to pretend that I am working as I impatiently wait for the Friday afternoon whistle to blow signalling the time for knock-off beers.

  4. Tell us about a favourite project or work related experience
    I was awarded a research grant to investigate mine reclamation overseas. This provided me the opportunity to travel the world meeting and learning from awesome people, exploring mine sites and plenty of great times in-between.

  5. What advice would you give someone considering a career in landscape architecture?
    Get involved! It is a profession with a skill set that can be far reaching and applicable outside the perceived norms of the LA world. Landscape Architecture can open many doors and is a profession where you can pursue what makes you tick. If you believe in something don’t wait for it, make it happen!