Forest of Memories

Project Name: Forest of Memories

Practice Name: Logan City Council

    Project Address: Albert Street Logan Village

    Demonstrate that a professional lighting design was undertaken for this project?

    The lighting design was the result of collaboration between Logan City Council's Public Lighting Officer and industry specialists. The design showed the lighting layout, conduit configuration, cable sizes and the switchboard configuration

    What was the main design objective for the lighting scheme?

    The main objective of the lighting was to bring to life the forefathers of the suburb of Logan Village - the ghosts that walk at night welcoming all visitors to the small historical settlement.

    Demonstrate how lighting complements the design of the space by day?

    The totems of Logan Village provide information about the history of the village, acting as an outdoor museum. During the day people can move amongst the totems and learn about their past. But it’s at night when the totems come to life. Centennials, the old guards, ever present history.

    Showcase how lighting enhances the use and experience of the space after dark?

    The lighting extends the history. Located on a busy road that has lots of passing traffic, the lights bring awareness of the village’s past to all who pass by. Everyone is overjoyed with the eerie sense of again walking with their past relatives and friends, brought to life, illuminated after dusk.

    Highlight lighting creativity, problem-solving and thinking-outside-the-box?

    The lighting has provided a vehicle to tell the history of the village well into the night. The lights have allowed the village elders to greet the passing motorists and remind them of previous inhabitants.

    How did you take Dark Sky considerations (prevention of lighting pollution) into account for this project?

    With no street lights in the area, the forest of memories stand out as ghostly figures. Additional street lighting would have minor impact on the ‘ghosts’ as they are set back from the road with an eerie quality of light enhancing the driving experience.

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