The Goods Line

Project Name: The Goods Line

Practice Name: ASPECT Studios

Project Address: Railway Square to Macarthur Street, Ultimo

Demonstrate that a professional lighting design was undertaken for this project?

ASPECT Studios collaborated with lighting designer Lighting Art + Science, structural and electrical engineers ACOR.

What was the main design objective for the lighting scheme?

Lighting is provided along the length of The Goods Line, in the format of low level decorative and custom pole top lighting, encouraging positive night time activation whilst highlighting circulation paths and edges. To avoid a ‘forest of poles’, tall columns with a number of spotlights provide the pedestrian areas with a uniform wash of warm white light.

Demonstrate how lighting complements the design of the space by day?

The Goods Line is a long and relatively narrow disused rail line that has been transposed into a multi-purpose space for a variety of activities. Various areas allow for relaxation, exercising, cycling, meeting and roaming from place to place. The pre-cast concrete panels used for the base are structurally robust and uniform in their design. The 12 metre poles with spotlights reflect the long narrow element of the walkway. Under-seat lighting is not visible to the eye and provides an interesting visual outline of the precast concrete elements. The use of back lighting on the signage on Ultimo Bridge creates a subtle, but clear lighting effect, which can be seen by people below on Harris Street. Clever positioning of uplights highlight the trees at night.

Showcase how lighting enhances the use and experience of the space after dark?

Safety was paramount, and the chosen level of light ensures the safe passage for pedestrian use. The Goods Line has become a highly used commuter corridor both by day and night, requiring delivery of high quality lighting. The use of higher intensity under-seat lighting and uplighting of trees provides points of interest during the transition from place to space.

Highlight lighting creativity, problem-solving and thinking-outside-the-box?

The Goods Line railway bridge has a number of lighting elements that distinguish the space from the surrounding walkway. Clever backlighting of the sign highlights the bridge at night to both motor vehicles and pedestrians from below, whilst from above the carefully concealed strip lighting sensitively illuminate old railway tracks.

How did you take Dark Sky considerations (prevention of lighting pollution) into account for this project?
The use of uplights is an important lighting tool for creating interest at night, and is countered by the philosophy of the ‘Dark Sky’ edict. The denseness of the fig trees enables all but the smallest of light to escape into the oblivion.

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