The Link

Project Name: The Link

Practice Name: Lat 27

    Project Address: Coronation Drive Office Park

    Demonstrate that a professional lighting design was undertaken for this project?

    Lat27 developed the concept lighting design for the Link with Wood and Grieve Engineers (the electrical and lighting engineer) to complement the vision for this first public realm project at AMP Capital’s Milton Green business park. Lat27, Wood & Grieve and AMP Capital collaborated to formulate the lighting strategy for this 24/7 public space. This process involved consideration of the project vision and the need to achieve an environment that would provide distinct, safe and comfortable areas for both pedestrians and cyclists.

    What was the main design objective for the lighting scheme?

    The lighting design concept integrates LED light sources into the architectural fabric of the space, including catenary lighting, up-lighting the curved shelter roof forms, feature tree lighting and low level under seat strip luminaires. A key objective of the lighting concept was to deliver a suite of illumination strategies that complemented the aesthetics of the space, to attract visitation and pull people into and through the Link at night.

    Demonstrate how lighting complements the design of the space by day?

    The catenary lighting structure and luminaires provide a canopy to the space, day and night. This is complemented by the careful integration of in ground up-lights and edge lighting into the shelter architecture and under seat lighting to present a holistic and unobtrusive installation during the day.

    Showcase how lighting enhances the use and experience of the space after dark?

    The lighting of the Link presents a space that feels safe, yet vibrant and welcoming at night. This has been achieved through fine tuning the delicate balance between safe lighting levels and the creation of concealed high light illumination to the architectural elements. This results in structures that glow through reflected light, illuminated tree canopies and sinuous floating concrete seat edges that contain the space. The success of the lighting installation has been evidenced by its popularity at night across a wide cross section of the public.

    Highlight lighting creativity, problem-solving and thinking-outside-the-box?

    A key challenge was achieving lighting solutions that would be discrete. Concealed luminaires light the shelters and pathways, including the concrete bench seating. These elements required careful coordination, this was particularly critical with the integration of lighting and the catenary rigging. Additionally, the lighting has been circuited and switched to provide flexibility both in terms of the use of the space and safety. Switching is coordinated via the BMS and/or local override controls which can be configured to turn off higher levels of illuminance during low occupancy (for example between midnight and 5am), whilst maintaining a safe and secure environment.

    How did you take Dark Sky considerations (prevention of lighting pollution) into account for this project?

    The Link is located in a pocket of the business park where there is significant light spill from the adjacent office buildings. The design considered the requirements of AS4282 to ensure that the existing light emanating from the internal spaces was not magnified or significantly increased with this lighting solution. Can luminaires installed on the rigging provide downward directional lighting only and the up-lighting has been carefully controlled to avoid light spill


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