The membership category of Fellowship is an honour that AILA may bestow upon registered members of AILA  and is made in recognition of distinguished service to AILA and the profession.

Nomination process

  1. AILA Board, through the People Recognition Committee (PRC), will keep nominations open all financial year from 1st July through to including 30th June of the following year.
  2. The initial nomination of the Registered Member is to be undertaken confidentially, without the knowledge of the member. 
  3. The AILA Fellowship Nomination Form is to be completed by two registered members acting as Proposer and Seconder. 
  4. The Proposer and Seconder cannot be employed at the same practice as each other.
  5.  Each must comply and sign the declarations within the Nomination Form.
  6. A 'Citation' is to be completed by the Proposer and Seconder and is to accompany the completed AILA Fellowship Nomination Form.
  7. The three forms: Proposer, Seconder and Citation are to be signed and emailed to [email protected] 
  8. At 30th June 11:59PM AEST, nominations are closed for the year.
  9. AILA will collate and present all nominations to the PRC for initial noting.
  10. The completed nomination form and citation are presented confidentially by the PRC to the relevant Chapter Executive for verification and commentary.
  11. Once the nomination has been reviewed by Chapter Executive, the completed nomination form, citation and CV (if provided), along with any commentary by the Chapter Executive is provided to the PRC via the AILA CEO.
  12. PRC evaluates & recommends to Board for approval or otherwise.
  13. Nominations are finalised by Board.
  14. Nominee is invited to accept fellowship via telephone by Chapter.
  15. Chapters will work to ensure the citation and record of service is full and accurate.
  16. Upon acceptance, the Fellow will work with the Chapter to arrange recognition with peers.
  17. Publishment of the conferment on the AILA Website and AILA News with the approved citation.
  18. AILA may undertake media releases to publicise the conferment.


2025 Financial Year



1 July 2024

Open call for fellowship nominations

30th June 2025 

Closing of fellowship nominations form
1-31 July 2025  Assessment and review of FY2025 nominations by People Recognition Committee and Chapters Executives for recommendation to the AILA Board 
1-30 August 2025 AILA Board receives the recommendations and make final evaluation.

Chapters advise recipients/entrants of nomination and conferral of fellowship.

Nominee/Entrant to confirm acceptance of conferral.

Fellowship Nominations Guidelines

Fellowship nomination and conferment guidelines

Fellowship Nomination Forms

Please make sure each form is completed in full and signed by the relevant party, then send all three completed forms to [email protected] 

Find Fellows

AILA's Fellowship recipients can be found with our search page.