Message from Katharina Nieberler-Walker FAILA, AILA Director

Summer time – thinking time.

Welcome to 2022 and a New Year full of promise!

Summer holidays are an ideal time to get ahead with your reading. No better time to immerse yourself in a good book, catch up on the latest ideas, spend time thinking, and discussing with others.

Three books which make great summer reading and thinking:

Mariana Amatullo (editor), Bryan Boyer (editor), Jennifer May (editor), Andrew Shea (editor), 2022. Design for Social Innovation – Case Studies from Around the World.

Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Ronnlund, 2019. Factfullness: Ten reasons we are wrong about the world – and why things are better than you think.

Julian Cribb, 2021. Earth Detox: How and Why We Must Clean Up Our Planet.

Happy reading and please share your reflections on AILA’s Memberscape.

Katharina Nieberler-Walker
AILA Director

Katharina Nieberler-Walker FAILA, AILA Director