Australian Institute of Landscape Architects- SA Chapter

The State Election is on this Saturday 19 March.

In 2022 your Executive has prepared an AILA South Australia Election Manifesto – targeting four positive priorities that we have been advocating over the last four years. We have kept it succinct as possible to ensure maximum ‘cut through’.

Our campaign may be small, however the outcomes are far reaching. Thank you to all members who have shared our AILA SA Election Manifesto - it has reached far and wide and has even been picked up by mainstream media in SA.
We will continue to share the messaging and four priorities we have highlighted in this Manifesto as we continue to advocate for ‘A greener, healthier, inclusive, and climate resilient South Australia’.

We believe that all candidates for the South Australian Parliament should commit to the development of ‘A greener, healthier, inclusive and climate resilient South Australia’ by supporting the following four positive state building priorities:

Creating a new, single, Government Agency to coordinate the planning, design, and delivery of South Australia’s green infrastructure

Protecting South Australia’s Trees 

Improving South Australia’s connectivity by creating better streets for people

A new approach to Designing on Country

We have issued the AILA SA Manifesto to all the major parties and thank them for the time they have taken to provide their responses we have provided below.

Daniel Bennett - AILA SA State President

AILA SA Election Manifesto

Liberal Party Response

Labor Party Response

Greens Party Response