Melanie Bradley



Landscape Architects are certainly being called upon to help address current issues – bushfire, climate change, pandemics, you name it! We have certainly had a great deal of pressure to respond to these issues and lift the Landscape Architects’ involvement. This is why we have registration…our membership in AILA and the good work of the Universities who have provided more rigour into their programs certainly enhances the profession. The Executive have been working with the National body to work towards a robust registration process and increase the value of having Landscape Architects to State and local governments. We are pleased the Office of the State Government Architect has a landscape architect working with the team.

In a recent article in the Australian Financial Review, an Urban Study  from Barcelona’s Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal) found that access to open, green space affects the mortality rate of cities. The study concluded that 60 % of urban residents lacked the access to green spaces the World Health Organisation recommends (…at least 0.5 hectares of green space within 300 metres of every home.) It was the accessibility that mattered…not the size of the space.  A quote from the authors of the study concluded that: “European cities should focus on reclaiming urban land for green spaces…re-routing traffic, digging up bitumen and replacing it with green space, green corridors, street trees and pocket parks.” This is what we do best as Landscape Architects – creating these green spaces!

The Executive is putting out a call for Fellows to be nominated and our newest Registered Landscape Architects will be presented a the End of Year Party, December 9 from 5 to 8pm at the Leederville Sports Club. There is still time to register.

Hope to see you there!

Melanie Bradley, RLA /RPIA