Advocacy Manifesto

The Advocacy Committee has been actively working with Chapter Committees and cross-collaborating with other Committees at a national level on an extended version of the election manifesto flyer prepared for the May 2022 Federal Elections. 

The four key focus advocacy areas are: 
- Climate and Biodiversity Positive Design
- Dedicated Green Infrastructure Investment
- Workforce and Gender Equity
- First Nations Recognition.



Advocate for Landscape Architecture. Shape the future of AILA and the profession in Australia. As a Registered Landscape Architect, you’re able to apply to State and National Committees, State executive, and AILA Board appointments.


Submission Library

Our submissions include responses and submissions to discussion papers, draft legislation, and parliamentary inquiries.


Speaking up for Landscape Architecture

For us to create meaningful change, it’s essential that government understand the true value of our work.

Working with members, we develop a leading position on issues our industry is well-placed to solve. Our advocacy and research aims to inform and influence government and allied professions - making sure that landscape architects are involved at every stage in the design of better places. 

Our advocacy focuses on three areas:

Healthy Communities

We advocate for the role parks and open spaces play in people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Urban Green Infrastructure

We advocate for connected open spaces – a green space network – to improve social, economic and environmental outcomes across Australia.

Liveable Cities

We advocate for the role open space plays in connection, identity and liveability – especially in our increasingly dense and globalised cities.